
Showing posts from August, 2020

Your Performance

  Evaluating Your Own Performance Clearly, it's in your best interests to take a hard look at your performance  before  your boss does. You also have to assess yourself from your boss's point of view. Maybe you'd understand someone who left 10 minutes early on a Friday -- but would your boss? Robert Wilson is a partner in an employment consulting service called Job Bridge, as well as an author and a video producer of employment resources. "At some point, you have to assess what you think is good and bad about your performance with what the supervisor thinks is good and bad, because he or she is the one that counts." The following eight steps will help you help yourself: Check Your Attitude "Attitude is very important," says employment consultant Rick Waters. "I meet with a lot of employers, and they tell me the first thing they look for is a person with a good attitude. Doing the work properly is only part of the equation. The other part is your att